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Jeremy's Blog 26th July 2024: How Much There Is To Do


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 25th July 2024 We have to wish the new government well. It faces such a scale and range of challenges on all sides as an increasingly risky and changing world meets an economy lacking growth for half a generation. A common theme from water to defence is that we have preferred to have benefits cheaply without providing for the future. That approach has now run its course on many fronts as the need to invest, repair and adapt...

Bracken Management Guidance


Following a ban on the use of the herbicide Asulox (see our website note of June 2023), Natural England, NatureScot, DAERA Northern Ireland, Natural Resources Wales and the UK national historic advisory bodies commissioned revised guidance on bracken management. The guidance has now been published on the NatureScot website....

Review of UK Farm Assurance: Survey


The national farming unions and the AHDB have sponsored an independent review of the UK Farm Assurance System. The commissioners of the review are encouraging farmers to complete a 10-15 minute survey on their experiences of farm assurance. More information is available here: The UK Farm Assurance Review survey – The Independent Commission wants to hear your views | AHDB....

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CAAV Note 240723: Scotland - Proposed National Park - Galloway


Last year, the Scottish Government ran a competition to find a new national park, for designation by 2026 (see our website note of June 2023). On 22nd July 2024 it was announced that Galloway has been chosen as the proposed location. This note has more detail....

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#65 – Getting into detail with the Sustainable Farming Incentive


There has been an update to the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) for 2024 with new actions and some changes in rules and guidance. So what does it all mean? Join Richard Sanders, technical and policy adviser to the CAAV, as he unpicks the expanded offer. Links mentioned in the podcast are below: Scheme Guidance: ⁠SFI scheme information: expanded offer for 2024 - GOV.UK (⁠ Collected Actions PDF: ⁠SFI-2024-actions-print-version.pdf (⁠ Sector...

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CAAV Note 240722: Energy Policy - Miliband Statement


Ed Miliband, Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero made a statement on energy policy to the Commons on 18th July, the day after the King's Speech, and then took questions. This note looks at some of the detail.

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CAAV Note 240722: Kings Speech 2024 - Debates


Following the King's Speech on 17th July setting out the new Government's legislative programme for the coming Parliamentary session, the issues of planning, infrastructure and rural affairs were debated in the Lords on 18th July and the Commons on 19th July. After reviewing them, this webnote concludes with an Annexe reporting on agricultural policy remarks by the new ministers at DEFRA, Steve Reed and Daniel Zeichner.

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Jeremy's Blog 19th July 2024: The New Development Policies


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 18th July 2024 For a government that has not been in office for quite a fortnight, it has set out much of its stall on development control, housing and infrastructure for England, put at the heart of its economic growth agenda. Yesterday's King's Speech, with supporting papers, outlined the initial legislative programme with a combination of the Planning and Infrastructure Bill and the English Devolution Bill. This builds on...

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