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Water Resources Generating Value and Minimising Loss


Water Resources Generating Value and Minimising Loss

ISBN 978 1 901 434 55 2

Price: £40


Water is a vital resource to sustain life yet most of us in the western world have always taken our fresh water supplies for granted, noticing only the occasional flood or prolonged dry spell. Water has almost always been there and at little or no relative cost. However, as we enter the third Millennium there is a growing awareness that those supplies are under threat through both diminishing availability and increasing demand.

Dealing with the challenge requires that we all gain a clearer understanding of both the current position and the options available to us in much more detail. This study provides a valuable strategic review of the situation and the challenges of increasing demand and climate change – among other issues – that lie ahead at both global and local levels. At the same time some solutions are offered. All land managers and advisers should review the need for, use and storage of water on a regular basis.

The tightening of supplies also translates into value, both as an increased cost to some and as an opportunity to others. Being imaginative and proactive in identifying opportunities will allow members to move some clients from the former category to the latter. The importance of this issue means that all of us will be affected to some extent.

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